This part month I've been working on completing my Munchkin forces for the "Wars of Ozz"rules, and painted up all my mounted Munchkin infantry officer figures. I had painted up many of the infantry units last year, but because they were pre-public release figures made by Old Glory for us to run demo games with, none had their mounted officers, for the simple reason they hadn't been made into molds and cast yet. Note that the officers all ride the distinctive Munchkin "Horses of a Different Color".
I have mounted these on the great Ozz officer MDF bases made by Sally 4th and distributed in the US by Old Glory. The upright section in the back of the base is for an insertable label with the officer's characteristic on it.
The entire officer pool. |
For the divisional officer, I was lucky to have a left over cavalry sample figure that I used as a messenger or scout to put on the base with the officer to help make a little scene, and help his base look distinctive.
The Divisional officer. |
Two Brigade Officers. |
The officers for my two Landwher regiments. (Note one holds a large lollipop, since I say he is a member of the Lollipop Guild and volunteered for the army.) |
The commanders for the various named regiments. L to R: Hardsole's Regt., Zoraster's Guard Regt., Tik-Tok's Regt., Sourdough's Regt. |
Named Regiment character commanders: L to R: Col. Sourdough, Col. Tik-Tok, Col. Hardsole. |