At our club's 2-day regional gaming con,
BARRAGE, this past weekend I GM'ed a game of Ghost Archipelago, and was Assistant-GM in one with fellow HAWK, Don Hogge, (in which I also got to play, to round out the player count).
The first one, in which I was Assistant GM and a player, was Friday night.
The table set-up. I was the center player on the right. |
The Elf Heritor and his Archer scale the waterfall cliffs, as the Archer takes pot shots at the Human crew on the ground across the river. |
A viscous game-long fight developed around the treasure on the ancient sacred pool, between the Halfling/Gnome crew and the Dwarven one. Eventually the Dwarves won out. Though, the Gnome Heritor (seen standing on edge of the pool) did her share of damage. |
Meanwhile, the Gnome Warden dispatched my Heritor with a Projectile, as he was trying to leave with the temple's Central Treasure. |
The Gnome Warden was then immediately swarmed by the surviving members of my crew, and did not make it out alive. |
The Dwarves thought they had things well under control until a rogue Snapping Turtle wandered onto the scene behind their entry zone, and proceeded to chew it's way through several of their crew, and claimed the central treasure for itself, since none of the other Dwarves dared go near it before the game came to an end. |
The second game, in which I was GM, was run Saturday morning.
The Saturday morning game gets underway. |
The view from the top of the waterfall cliffs. |
Two crews battle over the river, as the Human's Storm Warden creates a pool under the Central Treasure on the snakewoman alter. |
A highlight of the game was the indefatigable little Gnome Heritor, who bravely defended the Temple's central treasure for several turns from an Elf crew. The Elves' Vine Warden cast Warp Weapon on her, and ended up destroying her sword. She then spent several turns still winning combats despite the -2 unarmed penalty, and used her Fling ability to toss the losing opponents off the top of the temple. |
Eventually the poor Gnome's luck ran out, as the numbers were stacked against her; but it was one heroic last stand. |
Another highlight was this random Mountain Goat who entered behind the Human crew, and proceeded to munch it's way through several of the crew, before being brought down. |
All in all they were two extremely fun games, with a bunch of great players. I'm already looking forward to running Ghost Archieplago again at the next BARRAGE in September!
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