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A view of the table at the start of the game. |
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Loot! The present pile for the treasure-based gift exchange. |
I got first choice on set up position, so I took a corner by a large square ruin, and a large bronze statue of a female warrior. In the distance was a ruined tower complex, and a large monument to a vampire lord. Across from me was Alfred the Unready, an Elementalist, and his odd Duckmen; and to my left was Gru the Soothsayer and his strange yellow minion creatures. Diagonally across from me, on the left, was Bemis with whom I didn't really deal with during the game, (though he did help out with a much needed Fog Wall at one point!)
For an account of last month's game see: The Final Battle
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A Christmas Story based terrain piece: a poor zombie who was triple-dog-dared to put his tongue on a Frozen flagpole! :) |
The Report
Quail sat at the big table in the main hall sipping her tea. She looked around at the walls and ceiling of the old tower, musing over who had built it and originally occupied it. It had been a good home to them this past year. So many memories... She would be sad to move out of it. But the fact was, her year of leave from the University was over, and they would soon be starting the long trip back. Already many of her belongings and artifacts from the trip, as well as those of her Apprentice Bailisette, and the old Knight, Sir Cardidil, who had acted as their escort for the trip, were piled in cases and trunks along one wall inside the tower's entryway; waiting for Sir Cardidil to come back from town with the horse and wagon they had hired. In fact he was due any minute.
The Sigilist didn't have to wonder about the Knight's whereabouts for long, for only minutes later he came bursting through the door of the main hall. He had been such a good and loyal companion this past year; where would they have been without his combat knowledge and field skills to help them through the first few months.
Seeing the wizard sitting at the table, Sir C. stopped short, and exclaimed, "My Lady; there's news!"; and he proceeded to relate the tale he had heard at the inn while he had been in town fetching the horse and wagon. Apparently, some folks had spotted a strange sight in the sky the night before: a large red sleigh pulled by strange deer-like creatures, flying through the air. It appeared to be in some distress, as it's flight was very irregular; up and down and side to side; nearly tipping over at some points. It was last seen heading into the old city, where there were reports that it crashed; sending its odd cargo of fancily wrapped boxes all over a mile or more of the ruins. "So, some of the wizards are preparing to go see what's what, and I thought you might want to be a part of that." the old Knight concluded.
Quail thought about the situation for a moment; surely they could delay their departure for a few hours. Everyone was still here in the tower, it wouldn't take too long to get the group together. The wizard couldn't resist one more chance to venture into Frostgrave. "Go get the party ready." the Sigilist said to the Knight, "I'll go tell Bailey to prepare". Quail realized there would be no time to prepare potions; and their potion making equipment was already packed up anyway. (Both casters fail their pre-game Brew Potion rolls.)
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The disposition of treasure in the area where Quail entered the table. |
They had not gone much further when a few strange sights caught there eye. First on a high part of a tower not far away, directly to their front, there was a distressed looking woman, all dressed in red, huddled and looking quite cold and scared. Also, to their left, they heard the chattering of a group of Snow Goblins, who appeared to be putting a large package on to a sledge. Quail realized it must be one of the scattered boxes Sir Cardidil had told her about. The group also noticed a few other large boxes scattered about, all wrapped up in shiny metallic paper. They all pondered what could be in them.
Quail quickly divided up the party; this would be easy she thought. She moved off to the left with Luc Demic the Marksman, Sir Cardidil, and Dorchesman the Treasure Hunter. She instructed Bailey to go investigate the right with Sallisee the Ranger, and Innis Flynn and Kinny the other Treasure Hunters. And the Sigilist pointed out a sturdy cut-stone wall a short ways off that might hold the Enchanter's horde of Grimoires. Barc the Man-at-Arms, Clol the Barbarian, and Cirvid the Warhound were kept nearby, and told to help out where ever they could be most useful
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Quail's starting position. Quail with Sir Cardidil, Luc Demic, and Dorchesman. Bailey with Salisee, Innis Flin, and Kinny. Clol, Barc, and Cirvid in reserve. |
Quail quickly became aware of the nearby gibbering of those fiendish yellow creatures belonging to the Soothsayer Gru; and in the distance she caught the echo of the odd quacking language of Alfred the Unready's Duckmen. Her immediate concern was the Goblins though. "I'll be having that," she said under her breath as she focused a Telekinesis spell on the box sitting on the Goblin sledge. It immediately raised up in the air, much to the shock of the Goblins, and came drifting towards the Sigilist. With at least two other wizards in the area, she had to be carefully which direction she moved the package, so it wouldn't be seen by anyone else; and making a hasty decision, she moved it off to her left behind two walls, rather than bring it directly towards her.
Bailey, spotted another package in an archway of the distant ruined tower, and she too cast Telekinesis, moving the package directly towards the warband. Quail noticed, and smiled to herself, thinking how her Apprentice had learned to use so much of her own initiative since they had been in the city; the Sigilist no longer needed her to tell her everything to do on these excursions.
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A trio of Ghouls enters between Quail's and Gru's warbands, near the square ruined building, on the first turn. |
Once again Quail mustered up a Telekinesis spell and move the box a little further away from the pursuing Goblins. Unfortunately now, the Goblins weren't her only problem, as members of Gru's warband approached the square ruin from the far side. She noticed that there appeared to be a treasure also hidden within it's ruined rooms as well. Bailey duplicated her mistresses' efforts, and she continued using Telekinesis on the same package she had done so on earlier, even with the two Goblins in hot pursuit.
And then, suddenly, several of Gru's soldiers were upon them. Clol found himself battling two of them before he had a chance to pick up the treasure in the ruin. Likewise, the Goblin pursuing the treasure Quail had been moving was soon a victim to the Soothsayer's minions as well.
the distaster at the river, shortly after she had arrived in the Frostgrave, flashed in the back of her mind. There too, she had found herself squeezed between two warbands, and the results had not been good. She quickly tried to cast Awareness, but rushed the spell and was rewarded with a stab of pain behind her eyes (-1 HP). Bailey, meanwhile, saw what was going on in the square ruin, and used Telekinesis to move the package out of the middle of the battle between Gru's troops and Clol. Dorchesman, the Treasure Hunter, was now next to the package Bailey had been moving earlier, so he picked it up and turned to head back to the tower. Likewise, Kinny had found one surviving Grimoire from the Enchanter's cache in the wall, as well as some gold coins; and Innis had retrieved a package from the well. Both had secured their treasures and were heading away from the area. The Goblins seeing all the packages slipping out of their grasps, pursued the one yet unclaimed one; which was the one Bailey had just moved out of the square ruin. This sent the Goblins right into the middle of Quails' warband.
Back behind the group, Barc easily dealt with one of the marauding Ghouls, and Sally put an arrow through a second. The third had apparently wandered off towards Gru's area. Cirvid braced himself and prepared to battle the Elementalist's Bear, but was shocked to see a rogue Rangifer come lumbering up and charge the big beast. (Random treasure-activated Bestiary appearance.)
Quail then became aware of members of Gru's force moving to the left of the square ruin trying to cut her party off from behind. Quickly, she ran back to see what she could do, and cast a wall of Fog by the back of the ruin to block any missile troops. Bailey also became aware of what was happening, and realized that getting the treasure they had recovered back to base quickly was becoming a high priority. She turned and tried to use a Push spell on Innis to help get him back to the tower faster, but the spell fizzled and the Treasure Hunter felt nothing more than a strong breeze blow by him.
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Quail is brought down by a crossbow, as the present-chasing Goblins are encircled. Behind the group, Bailey faces the Elementalist's Bear (being proxied by a gorilla figure). |
Bailey saw Quail go down, and let out a loud cry of dismay. Her exclamation was cut short though by an even louder sound; a growl that was very close by, and the Apprentice turned to see Alfred the Unready's bear just feet away. Bailey had only seconds to raise her weapon to defend herself from the beast's giant claw-studded paws. Then there was once again the distinctive twang of a crossbow, and Barc was brought down by one of Gru's Marksmen.
Behind her, Bailey heard a strange soft sizzle sound like water on a hot stove, and before her mind could register what it was, there was a large eruption just a few yards away. The Apprentice turned from fighting the bear and watched in horror as the ground erupted in a flash of blue electric light, right in the middle of the battle between the Goblins, Barc, and Clol. She and the bear were covered in icy particles, dirt, and masonry. As she spat grit from her mouth she looked in horror to see Sir Cardidil was down, and unmoving; his tabard smoked a little as if charred by unseen flame. Clol and Barc, however seemed to be unharmed, as did the Goblins; though they all stood there blinking and dazed, covered in snow and dust. (Alfred the Unready cast Elemental Ball.)
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Barc is already down from a crossbow bolt, as the first Elemental Ball explodes. |
Sally suddenly found herself all alone in the ruins. She fired at the Elementalist, but missed. Turning, she was faced with two of Gru's soldiers. Sensing the inevitable, she bravely tried to defend herself, but was quickly sent to join the rest of the warband lying in the blood-soaked snow.
One by one they helped each other back to the tower. Quail was the last to leave the city. The Maga Librarian sat with her brave knight until her legs were frozen and she could hardly stand. Clol came, and with more care than you would expect from the big Barbarian, gently lifted the Knight as carefully as a newborn baby, and carried him back to the tower. Bailey came for Quail, and helping her up, the pair leaned on each other as they walked out of city. Quail stopped them on the outskirts, and as the last rays of the setting sun painted the the sky orange and purple, she turned to look back at the crumbling towers and leaning spires of the ancient city. She felt suddenly very old. The Sigilist sighed deeply, and wiping the last few frozen tears from her face, turned and headed with her Apprentice back to the tower.
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The survivors and their three treasure. |
And Bemis dropped in for a visit a couple days after the last excursion. Hearing that Quail had been injured in the day's events he wanted to check on his fellow Sigilsit's well-being. He too was leaving the city. And as Siglist's always do, they promised to write letters to each other in the years ahead.
When the time came to head back to the University Library, Quail was filled with a whirl of emotions. It would be a sad journey without her old friend, Sir Cardidil. He had made the journey with them to Feldstad a year ago, and it didn't seem right not to have his wise advice and good company on their trip home. She would miss the excitement of discovery and the companionship of fellow adventurers. The stuffy meetings of academia would pale in comparison to nights of stories and laughter in the tower. But she also looked forward to sharing her new-found knowledge, and the familiarity of her old Library. And, they had defeated a Great Evil while they had been there. The world would provably never know what might have been if the few brave wizards who had stayed to face the Lich Lord, hadn't had the courage to do so. But the had stayed, and the world was safer because of it.
And who knew'; maybe one day in the future she would come visit Sir Cardidil again, and maybe seek a new adventure in the old city.
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The seven who fell during the battle: Quail, Bailey, Sir Cariddil, Clol, Luc Demic, Barc, Sallisee. |
Game Epilogue
Wow, what a game! Almost a Total Party Kill, but not quite. It was brutal to have lived though. But the good company and festive atmosphere more than made up for the poor game outcome. All in all a great campaign!
The final haul for the game was 3 treasures (one of which was the Reveal Secret Treasure) totaling 230 GC, a Grimoire of Enchant Weapon, and Ring of Power +1. Of the seven members of the warband that fell during the battle: Quail, Bailey, and Clol were all fine; Luc Demic, Barc, and Salllisee were Badly Wounded; and Sir Cardidil was dead. Interestingly this was the first death the party suffered in the campaign. How unlike Kodak's campaign where he lost somebody almost every game.
Bemis was the winner of this years' campaign. I forget what level he reached, but I'm sure he will report it soon in his write-up. Quail reached Level 35, and took home a treasury of 1030 Gold Coins. Not a bat retirement for a professor! :) She also learned 7 new spells during her time in the city, beyond her beginning 8 spells she knew when she arrived.
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Selecting our "treasure" from the pile! |
And before signing off for this year, I wanted to say a special thank you to my readers! I really appreciate the feedback and comments you all have given my through the year. I hope you enjoyed following Quail and her adventures, as much as I did writing them. I also hope to see you all for our trip to the Ghost Archipelago next year. Stay tuned!
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