When I got home this afternoon, there was a big box waiting on my doorstep, and sure enough, it was my Reaper Bones Kickstarer figures!
I thought I'd take some photo of the opening 'ceremony', so those that haven't received their box yet, can anticipate a little better what will be arriving soon at their homes as well.
In the box, on top, are an invoice and a color flyer advertising Reaper paint and giving a brief 4 step painting guide to Bones, then are some shipping protection air pillows and all the extra figures I ordered as separate add-ons. Then beneath this is the Vampire box itself.
In the actual Vampire box are 6 large plastic bags, each containing dozens of the figures. My painting queue is all set for the next decade. :-)
Casting with Schneider Molds for a 19th Century Project
Through a fortuitous alignment in work and holiday schedules I was able to
get five days off at the cost of one vacation day last week. Unfortunately
7 months ago