Two Saturdays ago, a bunch of the HAWKs went up to War Horse Con, a gaming day hosted by Sam and Kathy Fuson at their place near Gettyburg, PA. Sam invited a bunch of his friends over, and along with a crew from the HAWKs, we had a fun day of gaming. This time we had four games in Sam's spacious basement; in the morning Sam's friend Ed Duffy ran a modern skirmish featuring US forces vs Terrorists using his own homegrown rules (unfortunately I didn't get any photos of it), while in the next room, Dave Wood and Buck Surdu ran a Napoleonic game using "Fate of Battle" rules on a large "L" shaped table. This game was a scenario of the Battle of La Rotheire in February of 1814, and was a playtest of a game they were going to do at Cold Wars.
Buck and Dave setting up their Napoleonic game. |
A shot of the French defenders on the right end of the line. |
A look at the left wing of the battle |
After a quick lunch break, we reconvened for the afternoon session. Sam ran a fun Sherlock Holmes inspired GASLIGHT game that had some cool innovations in it; such as searching for, and finding "clues" that were either Scrabble tiles or puzzle pieces. The players then had to assemble the tiles into correct words or assemble the puzzle pieces to reveal messages written on the back. This was his first time GM-ing a GASLIGHT game, and he did great.
In the other room, Duncan Adams ran a WWI Look, Sarge, No Charts game.
Sherlock Holmes investigates the Castle door, while his associates wait nearby. Meanwhile the gangsters in castle open fire. |
An overview of the table. |
The Baker Street Gang interrogates some of the locals. |
The Villain makes his escape. |
Here's some shots of the WWI game.
Duncan's WWI game. German defenders dug in on the outskirts of a town. |
An overview of the WWI battle |
French forces advance towards the town at the top of the picture. |
All in all it was a fun day of gaming, and I look forward to the next one!