The HAWKs(Harford Area Weekly Kriegspielers)held their annual one day regional convention "Barrage XV" last Saturday January 22, 2011. The convention was held in the cafeteria of Archbishop Curly High School in Baltimore. There was a near record turn out of gamemasters, vendors, and players and everyone had a great time.
The large Look, Sarge, No Charts: WWII game Buck and I ran. The scenario depicts a hypothetical attempt by German and Russian forces to capture a town on the outskirts of Lvov in Poland '39 as the Poles try to destroy a German battery which is shelling Lvov.
Another shot of our big Look, Sarge, No Charts game as German forces threaten the Poles' last line of defense.
A closer shot of the Poles' position
Scott Perry's Carlist War game. It was a great sight to see all these beautiful and rarely seem armies arrayed on the table
Eric Schlegel's Cedar Mountain Civil War game using "A Union So Tested" rules
A closer shot of the Union and Confederate lines.
Matt Kirkhrt ran two well received ancients games using these innovative figures made from wooden craft bits.
Another shot of Matt's beautiful home made ancients
Here's a video of some of the days events.
And here is a link to the Barrage website where you can see more photos from this year's convention: