Duncan Adam, the HAWKs' (Harford Area Weekly Kriegspielers) Historicon game coordinator, recently posted the line-up of games the club will be doing at Historicon this year. As usual, there is a lot for gamers to chose from. See you at Historicon!
GM: Duncan Adams
Title: The Battle of Chateauguay, 25 October 1813
War of 1812; Home Rules
Thursday, 3:00 PM, 4 hours
With Canadian winter about to close the campaigning season a two pronged American invasion creeps toward Montreal. Lt Col Charles-Michel d'Irumberry de Salaberry, charged with stopping the right column, has chosen his spot along the swampy banks of the Chateauguay River. There fewer than 2000 Canadian militia face more than twice their number.
GM: Duncan Adams
Title: Chrysler's Farm, 11 November 1813
War of 1812; Wellington Rules
Friday, 2:00 PM, 4 hours
The American's 1813 campaign to capture Montreal is finally underway. After months of procrastination and with unenthusiastic naval support General Wilkinson's western arm of the invasion is crawling down the St Lawrence River while the campaigning season fades. All the way a small British brigade nips at their heels. On the morning of November 11th the American rear guard turned to face their tormantors, but hte outnumbered British were better led and carried the day. You can fight this battle again as Redcoat or Yank.
GM: Duncan Adams
Title: Action in the Med
WW2; Charted Seas
Sunday, 10:00 AM, 2 hours
The Royal Navy continues to pursue a 20th century Trafalgar that will decide control of the middle sea in one blow, but the Italians are too cagey and surprisingly too good to be dispatched that easily. Still, the British hope that this will be the day. Maybe they should be careful wha tthey wish for.
GM: Katharine Adams
Title: Warriors: Rescue the Kits!
Fantasy; Blood and Swash
Saturday, 10:00 AM, 2 hours
Erin Hunter's popular 'Warriors' series depicting the adventures of woodland cat clans comes to Historicon. Shadow Clan's leader Brokenstar has abandoned the warrior code and is after the other clans' hunting grounds. Only Thunder Clan stands firm. Yesterday they drove off a bold Shadow Clan attack on their camp, only to have Brokenstar's followers return and snatch a liter of kits. Now two parties of Thunder Clan warriors, with the aid of some Shadow Clan exiles, must strike deep into the Shadow Clan camp to rescue the kits.
GM: Christopher Palmer
Title: Scouring the Goblin Scourge
Fantasy; Bear Yourselves Valiantly: Look Sarge, No Charts: Fantasy, Ancient and Mediaeval
Friday, 7:00 PM, 4 hours
No longer mere raiding parties, the Goblins are occupying the once verdant Wolffang Valley in mass, burning and pillaging. The bordering Elvish lands can no longer stand this affront, and march to clear the valley.
GM: Christopher Palmer
Title: Victoria Hawkes Saves the Queen by GASLIGHT
Saturday, 7:00 PM, 4 hours
On a royal visit to the U.S., Queen Victoria is kidnapped by Prussian Agents. Adventuress Victoria Hawkes is on their trail, and discovers the Queen has been carried off to a little Texas town, where the Prussians are awaiting a Zeppelin coming from Mexico to take her out of the country. Can you stop these fiends in time before they leave with the Queen!
GM: Jennifer Palmer
Title: Trouble at the Spyglass Tavern
Age of Pirates; Blood and Swash
Saturday, 7:00 PM, 4 hours
Sharpen ye blade, and load ye musket, for there be the usual trouble brewing at the ol' Spyglass Tavern tonight. Friends and enemies gather to settle their scores and gain some treasure. Pirate mayhem & merriment guaranteed in another one of Dr. Jenn's brawling adventurers.
GM: Eric Schlegel
Title: The Battle of Grossbeeren
Nap; The Continental System
Thursday, 2:00 PM, 4 hours
23 August 1813. It's time for another 200th anniversary battle. While Napoleon was driving on Dresden, he sent Marshall Oudinot to capture Berlin, which was defended by the Prince of Sweden (the former Marshall Bernadotte). They met at Grossbeeren, where Reynier's VII Corps was able to take the town before being counter-attacked by von Bulow's III Prussian Corps
GM: Eric Schlegel
Title: Caldwell Clears the Wheatfield
ACW; A Union So Tested (Look Sarge ACW)
Friday, 1:00 PM, 4 hours
2 July 1863. As Longstreet's attack on the second day at Gettysburg assaulted Sickle's advanced position in the Peach Orchard and the Wheatfield, the Union command began feeding in reinforcements. Eventually, elements of 3 Union corps would enter the maelstrom of the Wheatfield.
GM: Eric Schlegel
Title: HAWKs' Army Giveaway for Kids
ACW; Home Rules
Saturday, 2:00 PM, 2 hours
In this third year of a multi-year outreach effort, the HAWKs are sponsoring a game to interest children in the hobby. Several gamers have donated figures to the HAWKs with the understanding that we will get them into the hands of kids. All four children who participate in this event will get a small, paintedYankee and Rebel army to take home.
GM: Eric Schlegel
Title: The Thunder Dome Invitational Road Warrior Cross-country Race
Modern; Future Race
Sunday, 10:00 AM, 2 hours
A cross-country car race based on Jamie Davis' popular "Future Race" rules. Drivers will battle each other, the desert terrain and various other factors to be the first around the oasis and over the finish line. Bumping is encouraged (some might say required) and style points will be awarded for the most spectacular wreck.
GM: Don Hogge
Title: Tankers Challenge
WW2; Battleground WW2
Thursday, 7:00 PM, 3 hours
Mayhem reigns supreme as tank commanders try to be the "last tank standing". It's an every tank for itself affair as players command American, Russian, German, British and French armored vehicles. Who can you trust to watch your six? Earn points for each kill. Progress from light armored vehicles up to the King Tiger and JS-III. Not exactly historical but always a good time.
GM: Don Hogge
Title: Seeing the Elefant – Italy – February 1944
WW2; Battleground WW2
Friday, 2:00 PM, 3 hours
It is February 1944. The Allies landed at Anzio last month and their attack has stalemated. The Germans mounted a counter offensive to throw the Allies back into the sea. In the later stages of Operation Fischfang, elements from the Hermann Goering Panzer Division and other units attack from the vicinity of Cisterna as part of an offensive to reduce the Allied beachhead. A battalion from the 3rd Infantry Division are standing in their way. The US soldiers must hold the line.
GM: Don Hogge
Title: Action Near San Martino – September 1944
WW2; Battleground WW2
Friday, 7:00 PM, 4 hours
On the afternoon of 17 September 1944, elements of the Canadian Seaforth Highlanders advance under cover of smoke to secure the small Italian town of San Martino. The town had been taken the day before but then lost due to a successful counterattack by German fallschirmjaegers. The high ground at San Martino dominates the Rimini plain all the way to the Adriatic Sea. This area must be taken to support the advance of the 8th Army as it fights its way through the Gothic Line.
GM: Don Hogge
Title: The British Are Coming – Arnhem 1944
WW2; Battleground WW2
Saturday, 7:00 PM, 4 hours
It is late on 18 September 1944. Elements of the 4th Parachute Brigade are advancing to take the high ground north of Arnhem. The stroll in the woods becomes serious when they find their advance halted by a hastily formed German blocking force north of Oosterbeek.
GM: Bill Acheson
Title: Battle of Five Armies
Fantasy; Strandhogg
Saturday, 7:00 PM, 4 hours
Smaug is dead! Now everyone wants a piece of the pie. Rules with be taught. Kids welcome with a parent in the area.
GM: William Acheson
Title: Team Rocket's Gambit
Fantasy; Pride of Lions
Saturday, 12:00 PM, 3 hours
As the evil Team Rocket tries to conquer the world, they travel to the ancient island to summon the Pokémon Giratina. Fortunately a group of young heroes and their Pokémon armies plan to stop them. Play as some of the most famous Pokémon characters allied with their Pokémon in this adventure game.Rule will be taught. Kids welcome with a parent in the area.
GM: John R. "Buck" Surdu
Title: War Rocket
Sci Fi; War Rocket
Saturday, 7:00 PM, 2 hours
Various space factions battle among the stars for control of important communications satelites. This is a kids' game. Older gamers welcome with a participating kid.
GM: John R. "Buck" Surdu
Title: Just another Crazy Day in Granville, IL
Pulp; The GASLIGHT Compendium
Friday, 9:00 AM, 4 hours
In their continuing quest to subjugate the Earth, the Venusians have brainwashed Professor Serafini Nannini and gained use of his powerful anti-gravity ray. A Venusian raiding party lands in Granville to steal additional equipment from Nannini's lab. Can Duke Morrison, "Boats" Morgan, "Wrench" Web, and Crash Corrigan of the Rocket Patrol defeat the Venusians and their evil Earthly minions? Younger gamers welcome with a participating adult. Rules will be taught.
GM: John R. "Buck" Surdu
Title: The Walking Dead of Granville, IL
Pulp; The GASLIGHT Compendium
Friday, 6:00 PM, 4 hours
The evil Venusians, after being thwarted in their attempts to take over the Earth, have converted Professor Nannini's ray technology into a device that creates zombies – who are addicted to Desperate Housewives and American Idol. Duke Morrison and his pals have been sent on a rescue mission to save the town's people, gather much-needed supplies for the upcoming war of the zombies, and collect remaining scientific equipment from Professor Nannini's lab.
GM: John R. "Buck" Surdu & Christopher Palmer
Title: The Goblins are coming! The Goblins are coming!
Fantasy; Bear Yourselves Valiantly: Look Sarge, No Charts: Fantasy, Ancient and Mediaeval
Saturday, 9:00 AM, 4 hours
The forces of evil are at it again. The forces of good have formed an alliance to push them back into the "dark lands." This game uses the latest installment of the "no charts" family of rules, which is still under active development.
GM: John R. "Buck" Surdu
Title: Battle of Laon, 1814
Nap; Fate of Battle: Look Sarge, No Charts: Napoleonic Wars
Saturday, 2:00 PM, 4 hours
Napoleon is on the ropes as the allies push inexorably toward Paris. Napoleon plans to launch a counterstroke to set the allies on their heels. In the actual battle, Napoleon's attacks were uncoordinated and in some cases didn't occur at all. In this what-if scenario, Napoleon will attempt to destroy a Prussian and a Russian corps and prepare to launch against the Austrians.
GM: Steve Gelhard
Title: Verdun:The Breakthrough to Morte Homme; 6 March 1916
WW1; Home Rules
Saturday, 10:00 AM, 4 hours
Here, the entire German 22nd Reserve Division surprised the French and had already broken through the main trench lines and are advancing to outflank the Morte Homme hill on the West bank of the Meuse. THe French 67th Division are moving to stop them.They meet at "Goose Hill" and the Bois de Corbeaux just east of the Morte Homme.You can command a regiment if desired. Fighters, bombers, aerial spotting, balloons, gas, flamethrowers,assualt troops and a small amount of trench action.
GM: Steve Gelhard
Title: Battle of Caldiero: Charles stops Massena, 30 October 1805
Nap; Shako II
Friday, 4:00 PM, 4 hours
When Archduke Charles learned about Mack's defeat at Ulm, he began to retreat from his standoff with Massena in Italy. Massena seized upon this and immediately attacked. They met at Caldiero. The Austrians held the highground and a village in the center which Massena needed to secure victory.But Charles took the initative and attacked placing Massena on the defensive uncharacteristically. They fought to a stalemate. Either side can win in this evenly matched battle. Come play as the Austrians and actually defeat the French for a change.
GM: Geoff Graff
Title: Plastic Pirates Pounce on Packet
Age of Pirates; Home Rules
Saturday, 4:00 PM, 2 hours
Captain Palmer has captured the Bermuda Packet ship, and he brought it to Port Royal harbor to show off. None of the other Pirate Captains like him, and while Captain Palmer and his crew are ashore celebrating other pirates try to take the packet. The crew that does the most to get the packet under way will win the ship for their captain. If they can!!
GM: Geoff Graff
Title: Look Sarge, it's Raining
WW2; Look Sarge, No Charts WWII
Friday, 7:00 PM, 4 hours
So what happens tothe mobile German army when the rains of early fall land on Russia's dirtroads? The German army is pushing hard to complete another encirclement, and the Red army is resisting with what ever they have available, when an early storm front arrives, drenching the region. Can you succeed in your mission when mobility is reduced?
GM: Dave Wood
Title: Battle of La Rothiere 1 Feb 1814
Nap; Fate of Battle: Look Sarge, No Charts: Napoleonic Wars
Thursday, 7:00 PM, 4 hours
Napoleon Bonaparte had 40,000, but was facing not only Blucher's 53,000 men, but another 63,000 Allies within striking distance. Unwilling to risk battle at such odds Bonaparte was looking to withdraw, however Blucher forced him to fight. The French conscripts acquitted themselves well and held their ground until they were able to pull out after dark. Can the French repeat this, or will Gen. Wrede break through with his Bavarians and Austrians on their flank?
GM: Dave Wood
Title: Battle of Fere-Champenoise 25 March, 1814
Nap; Fate of Battle: Look Sarge, No Charts: Napoleonic Wars
Friday, 9:00 AM, 4 hours
In the chaotic final days, due to the utter confusion and swirling combat of the past two months Napoleon's much smaller army has been divided . Hoping to reunite with Napoleon, Marmont and Mortier joined their 20,000 remaining troops, slowly dragged 84 pieces of vital artillery. The crown prince of Württemberg, commanding the enemy advance guard has made contact with the retreating French. Not wanting to allow the enemy to slip away, he attacked the numerically superior French without infantry support. Will he succeed or will the French escape?
GM: Rob Dean
Title: Not Quite Seven Years War
18th Century; Charge!
Friday, 7:00 PM, 4 hours
The Not Quite Seven Years War continues as Alliance and Coalition struggle for dominance. Fast paced actions using the classic Charge! rules and the HAWKs homecast imagi-nation figures. Three different scenarios drawn from C.S. Grant will be played this year.
GM: Rob Dean
Title: NQSYW
18th Century; Charge!
Saturday, 3:00 PM, 4 hours
The Not Quite Seven Years War continues as Alliance and Coalition struggle for dominance. Fast paced actions using the classic Charge! rules and the HAWKs homecast imagi-nation figures. Three different scenarios drawn from C.S. Grant will be played this year.
GM: Rob Dean
Title: NQSYW
18th Century; Charge!
Saturday, 8:00 PM, 4 hours
The Not Quite Seven Years War continues as Alliance and Coalition struggle for dominance. Fast paced actions using the classic Charge! rules and the HAWKs homecast imagi-nation figures. Three different scenarios drawn from C.S. Grant will be played this year.
GM: Norman Dean
Title: Encounter at Jerboa
Ancient; N.U.R.D.
Saturday, 9:00 AM, 4 hours
The king of Jerboa can't decide whether to be friends with the Hittites or with the Egyptians. Help him make up his mind with your powers of persuasion and sharp pointy objects. Fast-paced Bronze Age action with plenty of chariots! Rules will be taught. Children under 12 welcome with participating adult.
GM: Norman Dean
Title: Get Me to the Temple on Time
Ancient; N.U.R.D.
Saturday, 2:00 PM, 4 hours
A Hittite prince is on his way to Egypt to marry King Tut's widow, but danger lurks on all sides. Will he arrive safely, or be ambushed in the desert? Fast-paced Bronze Age action with plenty of chariots! Rules will be taught. Children under 12 welcome with participating adult.
GM: Don Smith
Title: Sea Hawks Spanish Armada
Renaissance; Hopelessly Simplistic Armada, Modified
Saturday, 8:00 PM, 4 hours
The English fleet attempts to stop the Spanish Armada from invading England. This battle represents part of the Battle off Plymouth July 31, 1588 When The First Shots and the attempt by the English to stop the Armada.
GM: Kurt Schlegel
Title: The Battle of Chaffin's Farm
ACW; A Union So Tested (Look Sarge ACW)
Thursday, 12:00 PM, 4 hours
September 29, 1864. Rather than try to repeat the attempts of July and August to turn the Rebel left flank, Gen Butler has proposed to assault the center and right of the Confederate defenses in front of Richmond. Butler has two corps available including a newly formed division of colored troops, while rebels only have the Texas brigade and some cavalry to hold back the Union onslaught.
GM: Kurt Schlegel
Title: The Battle of Chaffin's Farm
ACW; A Union So Tested (Look Sarge ACW)
Thursday, 6:00 PM, 4 hours
September 29, 1864. Rather than try to repeat the attempts of July and August to turn the Rebel left flank, Gen Butler has proposed to assault the center and right of the Confederate defenses in front of Richmond. Butler has two corps available including a newly formed division of colored troops, while rebels only have the Texas brigade and some cavalry to hold back the Union onslaught.
GM: James ("Tank") Nickle
Title: The Wind is Up
Napoleonic; Fire As She Bears!
Thursday, 6:00 PM, 4 hours
French Admiral Villeneuve has caught the wind and decides to attack British Admiral Calder's Fleet soon after the Battle of Cape Finisterre.
GM: James ("Tank") Nickle
Title: Look Sarge It's the Punic Curse
Ancient; Bear Yourselves Valiantly
Friday, 9:00 AM, 3 hours
Hannibal has invaded Italy and the Roman Consuls are rushing to put an end to his maniacal schemes.
GM: James ("Tank") Nickle
Title: More Ships for Ironbottom Sound
WWII; Naval Thunder
Friday, 7:00 PM, 3 hours
Once again the Japanese and American Fleets duke it out for control of the waters around Quadacanal.
GM: James ("Tank") Nickle
Title: Look Sarge Hannibal's Not Here!
Ancient; Bear Yourselves Valiantly
Saturday, 10:00 AM, 3 hours
The Roman High Command has wisely chosen to attack Iberia rather than take on Hannibal and his veterans in this battle from the 2nd Punic War.
GM: James ("Tank") Nickle
Title: Let's Rob the Train
Old West; Blood and Swash
Saturday, 3:00 PM, 2 hours
A classic train robbery in the Old West with lots of swashbuckling cowboys and wild action.
GM: James ("Tank") Nickle
Title: The Great Train Raid
Irish Civil War; Blood and Swash
Saturday, 6:00 PM, 2 hours
The IRA has decided to stop and raid a train carrying supplies for the British Forces in Ireland. They will spare no blood to get what they want from the Kings Own.
GM: Bruce Kohrn
Title: Last of the Luftwaffe
WW2; Mustangs
Thursday, 3:00 PM, 4 hours
American "rat catchers" are patrolling a Me-262 base. CAP must protect the vulnerable jets as they land.
GM: Bob Giglio
Title: "White Lightning!" – 1920's Prohibition
Interwar; Prohibition Wars by Steve Barber (mod.)
Friday, 10:00 AM, 4 hours
Maltbee County, Kentucky. Federal Agents and local sheriff's department raid the farm of a family that has been making "white lightning" (bootleg) and selling it to gangsters in various cities during prohibition. But the McAllisters are not your typical family; they're born and bred out of years of back-country abilities, hardy, strong, and good shots. The Sheriff knows the family and warned the Feds that this might be a tough one. The Feds are well armed with the latest weapons, as well as full of bravado that the law is on their side. Well, at least that's their belief…
GM: Roxanne Patton
Title: To the Berezina
WW2; Look Sarge, No Charts WWII
Sunday, 10:00 AM, 4 hours
Since its withdrawal from Moscow during the Russian winter offensive of 1941-42, German Army Group Center had remained in its positions between the Pripyat marshes and the Dvina River. It formed a large bulge, projecting some 250 miles eastwards and at Orsha and Mogilev, still remained on the eastern bank of the Dnepr River. For its major offensive operation of the summer, the Russians had assembled four Fronts to reduce the bulge and destroy Army Group Center and push the frontline west of the Berzina. And in a deliberate twist of irony, Stalin set the start date of the offensive on June 22, the 3rd Anniversary of the NAZI invasion. The outcome would be the most destructive German defeat since Stalingrad.
GM: Bruce Weigle
Title: The Last German Battle: Rossbrunn, 26 July 1866
Age of Rifles; 1866
Friday, 10:00 AM, 5 hours
Although the Austro-Prussian War was won in Bohemia on 3 July, Austria's German allies doggedly continued the fight against Prussia's Army of the Main for nearly a month afterwards. This is the last major battle of the last intra-German war, as the Main Army tries to break through the Bavarian VII Corps to Würzburg and victory.
GM: Bruce Weigle
Title: The Last German Battle: Rossbrunn, 26 July 1866
Age of Rifles; 1866
Saturday, 10:00 AM, 5 hours
Although the Austro-Prussian War was won in Bohemia on 3 July, Austria's German allies doggedly continued the fight against Prussia's Army of the Main for nearly a month afterwards. This is the last major battle of the last intra-German war, as the Main Army tries to break through the Bavarian VII Corps to Würzburg and victory.
GM: Noah Guilbault
Title: Dungeon Hack: Capture the Artifact
Fantasy; DungeonHack+
Friday, 7:00 PM, 4 hours
The forces of woe have tracked the final lost bone from the avatar of Vecna and seek to obtain it, restore their avatar, and ensure another 10,000 years of darkness. The forces of weal seek only to destroy it. Get ready for capture the artifact Dungeon Hack style. Players control their own adventuring parties (and their opponent's monsters) on an award winning terrain while they try to get in, get the artifact, and get out alive. The winner is the party that escapes with the most artifacts but remember that competition is the name of the game. Get the power-ups with magical loot, battle monstrous beasts, battle opposing forces, and hope Vecna doesn't make an appearance. Will darkness return?
GM: Noah Guilbault
Title: Dungeon Hack
Fantasy; DungeonHack+
Saturday, 9:00 AM, 4 hours
Fall-In award-winning Dungeon adventure game returns for another run at Historicon! Get rich or die tryin'. Players control their own adventuring parties (and their opponent's monsters) on an award winning terrain while they try to get in, get the loot, and get out alive. The winner is the party (or remnants thereof) that escapes with the most gold but remember that competition is the name of the game. Get the power-ups with magical loot, battle monstrous beasts, raid opposing parties, double-cross your friends, encounter mysterious artifacts! Will you emerge…victorious?
Casting with Schneider Molds for a 19th Century Project
Through a fortuitous alignment in work and holiday schedules I was able to
get five days off at the cost of one vacation day last week. Unfortunately
8 months ago
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