One of the Magic Spells in our "Bear Yourselves Valiantly" mass combat fantasy, ancients, & medieval rules (currently under development), allows for magic users to place 6 inches of impassable wall on the table
within a certain distance of their location.
For my evil magic users I had the thought that I could make a neat twisted thorny thicket wall out of part of a loofa scrubber.
The finished thorn bush wall shown with a 10m Goblin Shaman |
Loofas are actually part of a plant's seed pod. So being made of natural plant material they are easy to cut and take paint well. I cut a lengthwise section from a 6 inch loofa and glued it to a tongue depressor/craft stick, and then sprayed it with flat black spray paint. Afterwards, I drybrushed it with a dark brown paint and then subsequent coats of lighter brown, working to light tan. When I was done painting I glued dried coffee grounds around the bottom to represent the dirt where the thicket wall erupted.
This was a very quick and easy project and, not counting drying time, probably took me less than a half hour to complete. Overall, I am very satisfied with the result. I could see a whole row of these making a neat border to some desolate evil land. And, though I plan to use it with 10mm figures, I think it would work equally well with everything from 6mm to 25mm.
(You can click any photo to see it larger)
Brilliant use of a common, non-gaming item! Can't wait to try it myself.